My treatments combine a range of traditional Chinese medicine therapies to achieve the best possible results for my clients. My consultations are always a unique combination of therapies, along with traditional acupuncture treatment, carefully selected to support you towards optimal health and wellness.




    Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy, using fine, sterilised needles to access specific points throughout the body. These points are located along the meridians where the Qi (energy) is most concentrated. The needles are inserted in the specific points to engage the Qi and help to stimulate energy flow, clear blockages and encourage the natural movement of the body.


    I use Chinese herbal medicine in my practise to further support my patients. By prescribing herbs and supplements, I am able to target the specific needs of each patient, helping them to achieve their goals such as supporting immunity, balancing hormones, increasing energy levels and more.


    Cupping involves the application of heated cups to the body. A traditional Chinese medicine therapy, cupping helps to increase circulation and nutrient rich blood flow to a specific area helping to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and tightness and stimulate the immune system.


    Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique involving the heating of dried mugwort leaves. The heat based therapy assists in the bodies natural healing process by warming the body’s energy channels, increasing circulation and improving the flow of energy around the body.


    Arvigo Therapy is based on ancient abdominal massage techniques. Massaging over the abdominal space gently guides the organs into their optimal position whilst encouraging increased blood and energy flow. Arvigo therapy is a supportive technique for decreasing congestion particularly in the reproductive and digestive organs, helping to relieve emotional and energetic tension from this space, encouraging self repair and balance.


    Yoni steaming (vaginal steaming) is an ancient practise used by women where warm herbal steam gently permeates the exterior of the vagina. This holistic treatment may provide support for women’s wellness by balancing menstrual cycles, endometriosis, PCOS, menopause symptoms and more. I love to use yoni steaming when my clients are on a fertility journey, to nourish and open up the womb space.


    Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe and gentle treatment, offering a holistic and natural alternative to other anti-ageing and cosmetic procedures. Fine needles are placed on specific areas of the face, creating a beneficial and gentle trauma, signalling the body to create more collagen and elastin to repair the tissue. This can have an anti-ageing affect, resulting in brighter, smoother skin. It may also help with acne, pigmentation, dull skin, puffy eyes and more.